Room 8 2018 students

Room 8 2018 students
Hi everyone - welcome to our blog for 2018

Thursday 12 April 2018

Olivia describes the Ashiko Drum

The Akisho is a medium sized drum and it looks like a chair. It is very old and is wooden like a tree. It is hard like a table and medium sized as a chair. It smells like animal skin and wood. It also smells like trees that have been cut down. It sounds musical, noisy and loud. The top part of the drum feels smooth and the bottom part feels hard like wood. People use the Ashiko for African celebrations and parades.

Room 8 students play the drums they have made

Aaron shares his favourite book...

Aurora describes a Pow Wow Drum

On top it's flat and the durm is fat but it is also round. Drums can be found around the world. When you start to play a drum it will already be good because it's really easy to play a drum. Drums are very popular. Some drums are small but can be very loud.

India shares her favourite book

Pirate Pete

PIRATE PETE Pirate Pete has scruffy hair that looks like spaghetti. His face is rough like the seas he has faced and  it is scaly. Pirate ...